Monday, 16 May 2011

108 Divya Desam Temples

"Gopura Darshnam - Kodi Punniyam" , " Gopura Darshanam Papa Vimochanam" says the popular beliefs. The meaning is if one cannot visit the temple if they can worship the temple tower from afar their sins will be washed away and they will bestowed with millions of blessings.

This 108 Divya Desam Map is a collection of the satellite imagery of the temple towers as viewed from above. The placemarks includes links to key sites/ blogs providing information about the temple, as well as the pasuram numbers for the temple.

So you can commence your virtual yatra at your own leisure, chant the relevant 4000 for that temple and complete the circuit at your own free will. Such an arm chair travel is only meant to kindle your interest to visit more of them in person, more often than usual and links will have travel information amongst other things.

For those not within travelling distances - "Iruppidam Vaikuntam, Venkatam, Maliruncholai" so please have a nice Virtual Darshan.

View 108 Divya Desam / 108 Vaishnava Divya Desams Temples in a larger map

Open the 108 Divya Desam in a new tab and zoom in on the individual placemarks represented as different colour ballons to see the actual temple. Where ever possible links to 360 degree view sites or virtual tour sites have been included.

Please offer your comments suggestions and advice either on the comment section of the map or this blog.Blog Search


  1. Useful map. thanks for the mapping efforts. also for the other useful maps

  2. மிகவும் பயன்படக்கூடிய பதிவு. இதுபோல் அனைத்து பெருமாள் கோயில்களும் அனைத்துச் சிவன் கோயில்களும் பதிவு செய்யப்பட வேண்டும்.
    பதிவிற்குப் பாராட்டுகள்.

