Saturday, 19 November 2016

Divya Desam Wise Pasurangal

The concept of Divya Desam comes from the fact that Azhwars did Mangalasasanam - they visited the place and sung in praise of the Perumal. The Nalayiram Divya Prabhandam or the 4000 Divya Prabhandam is complied azhwar wise. Azhwar's composition is also organised in sets of ten pasurams either based on the Divya Desam, or themes divine love, maternal enjoyment and so on. While some sets of ten pasuram are exclusively dedicated to one Divya desam there place where even four are five divya desams are mentioned in the same stanza. 

This kind of Divya Desam wise compilation of Azhwar pasuram can be very handy while visiting these temples, so the respective pasurams can be invoked for the respective Divya Desam Perumal.

The following link provides a list of pasuram Divya Desam wise, so if one has the Divya Prabhandam book they can refer  to it. List of pasurams Divya Desam wise

Access the following link for viewing/ downloading. Divya Desam wise Pasurangal .

  Divya_Desam_Pasurangal_1 by raj on Scribd

Can also be viewed at the following link.